Information and Im Management |
Association for
MS303 -1980
Q, Edison. pers
PART IT (1879-1886)
Thomas E. Jeffrey Microfilm Editor and Associate Director
Paul B. Israel Assistant Editor
Mary Ann Hellrigel Douglas G. Tarr
David W. Hutchings Robert A. Rosenberg Editorial Associates
Leonard DeGraaf John Deasey
Joseph P. Sullivan Barbara B. Tomblin
Alan Stein Jacquelyn Miller
Karen Kozak Maria Antonakakis
Student Assistants
Keith A, Nier Assistant Editor
Reese V. Jenkins Director and Editor
Sponsors Rutgers, The State University of New Jerscy National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site New Jersey Historical Commission Smithsonian Institution
University Publications of America Frederick, Maryland 1987
Edison signature used with permission of McGraw-Edison Company.
Thomas A. Edison Papers at Rutgers, The State University endorsed by
National Historical Publications and Records Commission 18 June 1981
Copyright © 1987 by Rutgers, The State University Al rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guideand index or ofthe microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The original documents in this edition are from the archive at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey,
Reese V. Jenkins Director and Editor
Thomas E. Jeffrey
Associate Director and Microfilm Editor
Assistant Editors
Paul B. Israel
Robert A. Rosenberg Keith A. Nier Andrew Butrica
Assistant to the Director Helen Endick
Research Associates Douglas G. Tarr Mary Ann Helicigel David W. Hutchings
Secretary Grace Kurkowski
Student Assistants Joseph P. Sullivan Karen Kozak Granville Miller
Rutgers, The State University of National Park Service, Edison New Jersey National Historic Site Edward J. Bloustein Roy W. Weaver T. Alexander Pond Edward J. Pershey Tilden G. Edelstein Smithsonian Institution John Gillis Bernard Finn New Jersey Historical Commission Arthur P. Molella
Bernard Bush Howard L. Green
James Brittain, Georgia Institute of Technology Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Harvard University Neil Harris, University of Chicago Thomas Parke Hughes, University of Pennsylvania Arthur Link, Princeton University Nathan Reingold, Smithsonian Institution Robert E. Schofield, lowa State University
William C. Hittinger (chairman), RCA Corporation Edward J. Bloustein, Rutgers, The State University of NJ. Cees Bruynes, North American Philips Corporation Paul J. Christiansen, Charles Edison Fund Philip F, Dietz, Westinghouse Electric Corporation Roland W, Schmitt, General Electric Corporation Harold W. Sonn, Public Service Electric and Gas Company Morris Tanenbaum, AT&T
PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Charles Edison Fund
The Hyde and Watson Foundation Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
PUBLIC FOUNDATIONS National Science Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities
Alabama Power Company
Amerada Hess Corporation
Atlantic Electric
Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
Battelle Memorial Institute Foundation
The Boston Edison Foundation
Cabot Corporation Foundation
Carolina Power and Light Company
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
Consumers Power Company
Corning Glass Works Foundation
Duke Power Company
Exxon Corporation
Florida Power & Light Company
General Electric Foundation
Gould Inc. Foundation
Gulf States Utilities Company
Idaho Power Company
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Iowa Power and Light Company
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley H. Katz
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
McGraw-Edison Company
Middle South Services, Inc.
Minnesota Power
New Jersey Bell Telephone Company
New York State Electric & Gas Corporation
North American Philips Corporation
Philadelphia Electric Company
Philips International B.V.
Public Service Electric and Gas Company
RCA Corporation
Robert Bosch GmbH
San Diego Gas & Electric
Savannah Electric and Power Company
Schering Plough Foundation
Texas Utilities Company
A Note on the Sources
The pages which have been filmed are the best copies
available. Every technical . —
effort possible has been made to ensure legibility.
1882. Electric Light - Foreign - United Kingdom - Edison's Indian & Colonial Electric Light Company, Ltd. (D-82-040)
This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to the business of Edison's Indian & Colonial Electric Light Company, Ltd., which was organized in the United Kingdom in 1882 to market the Edison electric light system
in Australasia, Ceylon, India, and South Africa. Included is a Prospectus issued by the company, dated June 12, 1882. ,
Approximately 90 percent of the documents have been filmed. The following categories of documents have not been filmed: bills; duplicate copies of selected
documents; copies of cable messages filmed in Letterbook, LM-001 (Letterbook Series).
7 ee en ca en epee yee ~ ESTERN UNION TEI . 1 " \ > THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. "thie 6 RANSMITS and DELIVEneS 1 err ting its Mablut zi ave been aasnted to by the ender oF ion vi sean aly pars cote tasted ~ ; . 5 hi ht ro) 068 {J yd ‘Spd tho Company Will Rot fotd Atoolt Tiabte for orrore or delaye hh Setive Y Of Unrepeated AN we . aoe s poteage fa {2 REPEATED dace Gnd {a dellvered by requost of the sender, under a R. Beo'y. ~ 5
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os "| this Company "TRANSMITS and DELIVERS messages Only on conditions, Mmiting its Habitity, Je ve ore conten ried agatnet PO rate eA ee to tho sonding station for comparison, ; ny oa the Company will not hold itsel¢ Tate for errors or delaysin transmission or delivery Of Unrepeated jorsagon. y
9 Tig mesaage Li ie gn UNREFEATED MESSAGE, ond {3 delivered by request of the sender, under A U Si A. R. BREWER, Beo’y, f NORVIN GREEN, President.
Dated. L E 1882 Reccived at. WM 1 hu- AA 6 Ali por,
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Yorm Wo, 3. . : ee las a see Saree . ere ams ae, bigooes ; , > THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. . “This Company TRANSMITS and NELLV ERS mesenges only on conditions limiting {ts Habllity, which have been assentéd toby tho néndef of the following mesangy, f “ ¢ Yrrors can be sarded ngninat ouly hy Popul nis A Mensage back to the sending etation for comparison, ‘and the company will ‘not hold Staclf Hable for. errors or delays in, tranamiraion or delivery of Unrepoatod Messages, boyand the amount of tolla paid thereon, nor in any case where the claim’ fs not presented in writlng within alxty days,
after sending the meaance, * : wale te coe , + Coed ng te TN EMATED MESSAGE, and {a delivered by request of the sender, under the conditions named abave,
THOS. T, EOKERT, General Manager. .
"NUMBER “gent by ‘| REC'D T
_ NORVIN GREEN, President,
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: z iy : : ‘ eh BAS ater, eat orm No.2. * “¢ ree i THE WESTERN UNION TELEGEH 9 ip por ppaerorige ny cept gece aacaasee 6 Ih - A This Company TRANBAMITS and WELIVERS Messages only on conditions Jrmiting Ite Mabilltyy Ye doch dain: iy message, - Krrors can be guarded againat only by Tepearing ¢ message back to the rending atation for com! eeompaay wilt not hold iteelf dinbla for errors or delaya fo Spnamleelon. a Aclivery of Uarepento cssuges, beyond the amonnt of tolls pald thercon, nar in any ard. laim js not presented fn writing within alxty days ter acnding the mosaace, t : : f relate : vs This lain UNUMPEATED MESSAGE, and la delivered by roquest of the nendor, under theconditfonanamed above, | ss THOS. T. EOKERT, Gsnoral Manager. . : 1 ,NORVIN GREEN, President. * =e <==
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THE Whi i ban UNLuan BAIA vane on . v.
——— hie Company SRANSIITA 0: LIVES messages ouly on conditions, Himitiog ite Habilltz, witch hay: Loon ansonted to by the sender Fajtegiohawing near Rerors can be gual inst only by Tepeating a mestare to the sroding station for comparisan, and the Comm €, pany willtnot hold itself Itable for errera or delays ain sravemiaston galery ol —— agen. sa ota so E, ED MRUSAGE nd le dellvered BY ihre sender eadey ibe sonditlons Y= R, BREWER, Beolys + NORVIN GREEN, President. FF
To the Directors of
Giisows Judie and Colonial Glearic Company, Bimited,
Having paid to your Bankers the sum of & being a deposit of 10s. ‘ser Share, I request you to allot me_______________ Shares of £5 each in the Company, and I agree to accept such Shares or any less number that may be allotted to me upon the terms of the Prospectus, dated 12th June, 1882, and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, and I authorise you to register me as
the holder of the Shares allotted to me.
Signature in full.
as Indian and Colonial Gleatrig age Mimited, BANKERS’ RECEIPT,
— C= - ; June, 1882.
Beceibed o-
the sum of Pounds, on account of
“Enison’s Inpran AND Cotonzan, Exzoreio Company, Limrren, being the Deposit of 10s. per Share upon
application for __ Shares of £5 each of the Company.
/— ye igh Memorandum of Association —
lie the. OF
INDIAN AND COLONIAT, ELECTRIG = 7 ee Ne , COMP ANY, . LIMITED, : a "Ant, ‘The name of tho Company is “Ep1aon’s INDIAN AND COLONIAL Huxorntc Bry Dnarep,”
2nd. Tho registored office of the Company will bo situate in England, —
Unt, The objects for which the Company is established are :—
(1) Acquiring and working the patents, letters of. registration, oxclusive privileges, and patent rights granted to
Thomas Alva Edison in relation to tho application of electricity or magnetism as a lighting, heating, and
i motive agent, and otherwise, in so far as the. same patents, lottora of registration, exclusive privileges, and
' . patent rights respectively relnto to Australasia, South Africa, India, and: Coylon, and for that purpose adopting
\ and carrying into effect (with or without any modifications which muy bo agroed upon) tho agreement : mentioned in the introduction to the Articles of Association, :
‘ ; “ (@) Applying for and obtaining and acquiring, hy purchase or otherwise, and using and disposing of letters patent,
a \ brevets Winvention, licenses, concesstons, grants, Inws, and authorities, for or in respect of inventions relating
en as t ! to tho production, transmission, distribution, aud application of Electricity, Magnetiam, Light, or Power, and r . 7 : : the extraction of metals or ores hy and other utilization of any of such inventions or any Inventions of 1 like £ i 2 character or any interest,therein upon any terms. ‘ ic
4 .t (83) Doing all such things (including making and carrying forward applications for or disclaimers of all or any of the : ; above) ns may bo doemed expedient for using or otherwise obtaining the full benefit of the patents and 4 inventions for the time being belonging to the Company, or in which it is interested.
‘ (4) Producing and supplying and granting licenses for the production and supply of Electricity or Electric currents or j force, and providing and supplying and granting licenses for the provision and supply of light, heat and
r : i motive-power, wholly or in part by moans of Electricity or Electric currents or force, 2 , PROSPEG I US, ae : (6) Manufacturing, importing, purchasing, using, selling, licensing, hiring, leasing and dealing with engines,
machinery, apparatus, materials, and things for any of tho purposes of the Company.
= (6) Acquiring, constructing, selling, letting, hiring and using lands, houses, and buildings for any of the purposes of the Company,
(7) Procaring tho Company to be constituted or incorporated ns a corporation-or association in India or in any H colony or foroign country,
(8) Amalgamating with any other Company ; solling and tranaferring all or any part of the Company’s business or
property ; taking over the whole or any part of the property or business of any other Company or undertaking
. cartying on any business which the Company is’ authorised to carry on; subscribing for, acquiring, taking,
re = holding, selling, distributing and disposing of shares or securities of any such Company, or undertaking, and
ea a? . ne ‘ issuing shares or securities of this Company for tho purpose of offecting any such amalgamation or operation ot : ? : : or otherwise, taf ; *
(9) Acquiring the goodwill or any interest in any trade or business similar or analogous to any trade or business which the Company are anthorised to carry on,
any of the purposes of the Company,
(IL) Promoting and forming subsidiary Companies or Assoclations, for or in conneetion with any of tho purposes of the Company, and taking, holding, and disposing of any shares or securitica thereof, 7‘
(12) Making and issuing mortgages, obligations and other securities for money and ordinary preference and guaranteod shares, and paying off, redeeming and accepting surrendera of any such securitics or shares,
£ ‘ (18) Doing all or any of the mattors aforesaid, alone or in conjunction with, or as agents for other Companies or ~ 6, LomBarRD Street, Lonpon, =. persons, oa : ;
¢ [ (10) Making and carrying into offect contracts and agreements with any other Company, Corporation or persons for { 1 ) i }
7 f (14) Doing all such other things as aro incidental or conducive to tho attainment of tho above objecta, . i “4th, ‘Tho lability of the Membora ts limited, —_- 5th, ‘Tho capital of the Company is £250,000, in ‘40,000 A Shares of £6 each, upon which a cumulative proferentini dividend : Blades; Kast & Blades, Printer, 23, Abchtreh Lane, 2.0, 4 after the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, is paynble, and 10,000 B shares of £6 cach. Tho whole of the B shares, and 6000 of tho ar } A shares are to be issued as fully-pnid shares. Any shares of which the capital of tho Company may from time to time consist, may i be divided into difforent classes, and may have such proforenco, guarantee, and privilege, na between thomselyes, ag shall bo determined q i by tho regulations of the Company oxisting from time to timo, Ai :
ete OB cementite mmm ae F eT, ae
CAPITAL-£250,000, In 40,000 A Shares and 10,000 B Shares of £5 each.
Issue of 85,000 A Shares, with 6 per cent. cumulative preferential dividend, and participation in further profits.
11,000 of these Shares have. been already applied for, and will be allotted in full.
10/- per Share payable on Application.
20/- 54 s » Allotment. Further Calls will be made as required, but It is not anticlpated that any Call will be made dure the next ‘81x months. a ee
= Bivestors ; ‘THe Mosr Hon. Txr MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE (Chairman). = Tue Hon, W. ST. JOHN BRODRICK, M.P., 29, Lower Seymour Street. HENRY SCHLESINGER, Esq., 5, Kensington Park Gardens (late of the firm of Messrs. Naxyor, Benzon & Co., London, and Messrs. Naytor & Co., U.S.A.) CoLovEL THE Hon. W. LE POER TRENCH, R.E., 3, Hyde Park Gardens. Sir GEORGE WARRENDER, Bant., of Lochend, N.B.
Consulting Electricians : Mn. THOMAS ALVA EDISON. Mr. EDWARD H. JOHNSON.
Bankers ; Messrs. GLYN, MILLS, CURRIE &.Co., 67, Lombard Street, London, E.O. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, EDINBURGH.
Solicitors: . Messrs; BIROHAM & Co., 26, Austin Friars, London, E.C.
* Prokers ; Messrs. ARTHUR ANDERSON & Co., 30, Throgmorton Street, London, E.C.
Secretary (pro tem.) _Mr.- CAMERON BROOK.’
Temporary Offices ; No. 6, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.C.
Turs Company has been formed. for the purpose of acquiring and, using in the Empire of India, Gayton; Australasia and South Africa, the ‘rights and privileges of Mr. Thomas Alva Edison, relating to the application of. Electricity or Magnetism as » lighting, heating, or motive agent (except the application thereof for the purpose only of locomotion on railways or tramways or common roads, and except also the right of the Cape Government to use an installation which has been already sent out to them), and for the other objects specified in the Memorandum of Association, a print of which is in the fold of this Prospectus.
A large number of Patents or Letters of Registration have been obtained by Mr. Edison for India and the Colonies of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and New Zealand, alljof which are secured to the Company. Applications for Patents or Registrations: have been or will be made in the last-named Colonies, and in South Australia, Tasmania, West Australia, South Africa, and Ceylon, which when obtained will belong to the Company, without any further. payment except the cost of ' making or completing such applications. 'S a ee
In addition to the above, the Company has acquired a most important advantage in the right to - patent and use in Australasia, South Africa, India, and Ceylon, all Mr. Edison’s improvements which may be made during the term of five years, from the 12th day of June, 1882, No further payment will accrue to Mr. Edison on the Company exercising this right. After the expiration of the term of five years the Company will have the option of acquiring all additions arid improvements made and patented by Mr. Edison on payment of such sums as may from time to time be agreed on or fixed by arbitration in case of difference. The only reservation in favor of Mr. Edison is in respect of locomotion on railways, tramways, or roads.
The Edison Incandescent Lamp is unequalled for domestic and general illumination, and is suitable for all places where a steady, brilliant light, absolutely safe in its production and use, is required. It is peculiarly adapted for India and other tropical countrics, as it will be unaffected by Punkehs and wind currents, and emits comparatively little heat. When once fixed it requires no skilled labour, but can be attended to by an ordinary native or other servant.
The Edison System, however, docs not merely comprise a particular form of lamp, dynamo or regulator, but is a comprehensive whole, embracing every detail essential to the economical, reliable, and safe production and distribution of Electricity for the innumerable purposes to which it can be applied, whether in connection with light, heat, or motive-power. It includes many ingenious and effective devices believed to be peculiar to this system, some of which are referred to in the following extract | from a lecture at the Society of Arts, by Mr. W. H. Preece, F.R.S., Electrician to the Post Office, . which affords important independent testimony to the above statements :—
“ The completeness of Mr. Edison’s exhibit was certainly the most noteworthy object in the [Paris] exhibition. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, no detail missed, There we saw not only the boilers, engine, and dynamo-machine, but the pipes to. contain the conductors; the. conductors themselves, heavy and massive,—for Mr-Edison recognizes the waste of energy that must ocour in small conductors, —the insulation, the fixtures, the brackets, the safety catches, the lamps, devices to avoid the effects of expansion and contraction through changes of temperature, meters to measure the current used, regulators to control the consumption of fuel.” i * : “Mr, Edison’s system has been worked out in detail, with a thoroughness and mastery of the subject that can extract nothing but eulogy from his bitterest opponents. Many unkind things have been said of Mr. Edison and his promises; perhaps no one has been severer in this direction than myself. It is some gratification for me to be able to announce my belief that he has at last solved the problem that he set himself to solve, and to be able to
The Safety-catch, above referred to, is an invention for preventing danger from fire in case of the conductors generating heat by reason of breakage or other accidental injury.
The system may be seen in full operation on Holborn Viaduct, where the street extending from Holhorn Circus to Old Bailey, the Oity Temple, Two Hotels, the Entrance to the London, Chatham & Dover Railway Station, Messrs. Spiers & Pond’s Restaurant, and numerous shops and Offices are lighted up from a Central Station. The Lamps give out very little heat, they may be grasped by the naked hand
without danger or inconvenience, are free from odour and give off no products of a poisonous or noxious character.
This Oompany, deriving as it does its rights and privileges direct from Mr. Edison will be a parent Company. It will be prepared to undertake the business of a Lighting and Power Company, by lighting up towns, public buildings, manufactories, barracks, and residences, and supplying power by means of electricity; and in order to enlist local capital and influence will grant licenses to Corporations and local Companies to carry on a similar business.
With a view to the early commencement of active operations the Directors have made arrangements for purchasing a number of Mr. Edison's lamps, dynamos, and other materials which are now in London ready for shipment to some of the principal centres of population and industry within the Company's field of operations. Mr. Edison has agreed, until 1st January, 1888, to 8 Dynamos; Lamps, and other specialties of his system, of his own manufacture,
The consideration to be paid for the property and rights secured to the Company is the sum of £26,000 in cash, 5,000 A Shares, fully paid and ranking as such for dividend, and ‘10,000 B Shares, fully paid, upon which no dividend will be paid until after the A Shares have received a cumulative dividend of 6 per cent. per annum. The surplus profits available for dividend, after payment of the 6 per cent. of cumulative dividend on the A Shares will be divided equally between A and B Shares until the A Shares shall have received a dividend equal to 10 per cent. The remaining profits, subject to a percentage payable to the Directors, will then be divided equally between the A and B Shares respectively, No promotion money will be paid. ;
The Directors are in negociation for securing the services of an exceptionally competent Manager, who will be prepared to visit India and the Colonies whenever occasion may require.
The only agreement entered into is dated 12th June, 1882, and made between THoxas ALVA Epison, of the first part; Gzorer Epwarp Gouravp, of the second part; and the Marquis of TWEEDDALE, The Honorable W. Sv. Joun Broprick, M.P., Henry Scunestwncrr, Colonel The Honorable W. Le Porr ‘Trenou, and Sir Groree WarreEnper, Bart., of the third part, and which is open to inspection (together with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company) at the Offices of Messrs. Brronant & Co., Solicitors, 26, Austin Friars, London. :
Applications for Shares must be made on the accompanying form, to be lodged with Messrs. Gury, Mrris & Co., of 67, Lombard Street, London, B.0., or the Commercial Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, the Oompany’s Bankers, togother with a deposit of 10s. per Share. In case of no allotment being made, the amount of deposit will be returned in full. Where a smaller number of Shares are allotted than are
applied for, the balance of the deposit will be applied towards payment of the amount payable on allotment. :
Prospectuses and Forms of Application may be had of the Brokers, Messrs. A. ANpERSoN & Co., 80, Throgmorton Street, E.0., and at the Temporary Offices of the Company, 6, Lombard Street, 1.0.
‘Lhe Subscription List will be closed for London on or before Friday, the 16th inst., and for ‘the Country on or before Saturday, the 17th inst. ,
12th June, 1882.
This Company TRANAMITS and DELAVERS mecstages only on conditions limiting ita Habllity, which kave boon assanted to by tha sender of the followin message, ” Rrrora cate be grimaat azainst only by Mpeatingy a mevenge back to the sending atation for comparison. ‘and the company. will not bata fteelf Hable for erro: - / tranamlesion or delivery of Unrepoate Monsageu: beyond tho amount of tolls pald thereon, nor in an: after sending tha mrasaen, : :
rs or delays tn Y case where the claim is not Presented tn writing witht Mt 6
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MESSA: THOS. T. EOEKERT, Goneral Manager,
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